News All Purpose La Trinité-Carnac
05 April 2012
The key of the success of Mach40 project
A great example of cooperation between the skipper, the naval architect, the shipbuilding yard, the rigger and the sail loft
05 April 2012
An example of sails' optimisation work for IRC
All Purpose has worked on Patton MC34 "Courrier Vintage" sails : shapes and geometry in order to solve a problem of lack of balance...
02 April 2012
Tara sailing boat for the planet is equipped with All Purpose sails
Tara sailing with a All Purpose spinnaker comes back to Lorient after 2 year and a half sailing around the globe.
20 March 2012
All Purpose equips Pen Duick with new sails
All Purpose built new sails for Pen Duick in the spirit of Eric Tabarly's association. All Purpose sail loft supplies as well maintenance...
20 March 2012
All Purpose sails for Faiaoahe 65' cutter
Faiaoahé is a 65' cutter (20 meters), cruising and racing in The true spirit of traditional yachting.
20 March 2012
Trilam® multiaxial fibres
CLM together with All Purpose, develop Trilam® patented membranes, with multiaxial fibres
12 March 2012
Global Ocean Race 2011-2012
Resistant and performing sails : 30 000 miles in Class 40 around the globe. Class 40 Campagne de France Halvard Mabire and Miranda...
12 January 2012
Thomas Normand wins 2011 national championship in Mini 650
Congratulation to Thomas Normand who wins 2011 national championship in Mini 650 with his prototype equipped with All Purpose sails !
15 December 2011
2011 Trophée Atlantique IRC winners
The winners of Trophée Atlantique IRC are equipped with All Purpose sails : TP Carrieres Lessard IRC 1, Pen Koent IRC 2 and Best Composite-Nautymor...
12 November 2011
All Purpose sails win 2011 Mini Transat 650
Podium race results for All Purpose sails. Prototype : 7 mini 6.50 in the top 10 are equipped with All Purpose sails. Production boat...